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  • You’ve been dancing blues for 1-2 years, or started recently and have experience in other similar dances
  • Have solid basic knowledge in blues dance
  • Feeling comfortable with different blues music styles
  • Taking local classes
  • Goal of this level: Help you feel comfortable when you dance with different level partners to different songs and different tempos.


  • You’ve been dancing blues regularly for 2-4 years
  • You have a good understanding of different blues dance concepts
  • You feel comfortable with different blues music styles and different tempos
  • Attend dance classes, parties and camps regularly
  • Goal of this level: Take your dance to the next level with a deeper understanding of various concepts


  • You’ve been dancing blues regularly for more than 4 years
  • You are a frequent flyer in the mile high blues in your local scene
  • You will probably be one of the best dancers at Feelin’ Blues
  • You constantly look for ways to learn and develop your dance
  • You understand that the magic is in the small details and that there is always room for more fine tuning.
  • You have a high-level body movement
  • Goal of this level: Dig deep into familiar movements while exploring new points of view and creating new variations.


An invitational level will be open to a maximum of 24 dancers. What’s the plan? The best dancers from around the world will be invited to take part in this level.
International teachers from around the world will each recommend 5 leaders and 5 followers they believe should be in this level. Once all recommendations are received, the Feelin’ Blues team will send individual invitations to those dancers.

What if I haven’t received an invitation to this level?
If you didn’t receive an invitation to this level until October 1st, but think you are suitable, please send us an e-mail and write us why you think you should join this level. (info@feelinblues.com)


  • The place for solo lovers
  • You wish to work on your solo blues movement and take it to the next level
  • Bring inspiration from the solo dance world to your partner dancing
  • You have a high-level body movement
  • Includes all solo classes, common classes and parties
  • Goal of this track: Make you work hard on your solo body movement while being inspired


On Thursday, January 21st, we will hold a special “Teachers Training Day”. This training day will be conducted by Adamo&Vicci and Ron&Sharon. This extra day is open to any local teacher and/or blues scene leader. During this day, we will have workshops that will concentrate mostly on teaching skills and pedagogy. We believe that in order to create a strong worldwide blues dance community it’s important to constantly work on our teaching skills and material. What better way than to do it then during an event with many dancers from around the world.
Additional cost for this day: €40